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Graphic Design at SLCC

April - May 2013 Exhibit

History of the Visual Arts and Design at SLCC

To the left are photographs and articles from the College Student Newspapers highlighting how the Visual Arts and Design Program has grown and changed through the years as the College has grown. These digital materials may be seen in the physical exhibit at the Redwood Markosian Library in the exhibit cases on the first floor.

The Program...

​Visual Art & Design (VAD) provides a variety of disciplines in both traditional and digital media, each of which are designed for every student to obtain the most worthwhile personal and professional development in a growing field.

The visual arts are art forms that focus on the creation of works which are primarily visual in nature. This includes art work, such as painting, photography, or sculpture, that appeals primarily to the visual sense and typically exists in permanent form.  Recently, Architecture has also become an integral part of VAD.


INK Student Group

INK is an online source for students

interested in Graphic Design. Started by two talented SLCC Visual Art & Design alumni, Casey Kim and Nadya Bratt, INK is now totally supported by volunteer VAD Graphic Design students and alumni. We strive to help members get off on the right foot in their design and art careers. INK encourages creative and professional growth by providing access to job information, resources, advice, critiques, portfolio reviews, activities and an environment to create genuine connections with other visual art students and creative professionals.

INK supports student membership in AIGA/SLC. Founded in 1914 as the American Institute of Graphic Arts, AIGA remains the oldest and largest professional membership organization for design and is now known simply as “AIGA, the professional association for design.”

INK membership is free.

VAD - Graphic Design Emphasis

The Graphic Design Emphasis in the Visual Art & Design Department at SLCC is deeply committed to helping students prepare themselves for a career in the graphic design industry. Our students have gone on to work in advertising agencies, graphic design studios, freelance, and related areas. We have graduates working across the United States and even Austria!

The Graphic Design program is very hands-on. We start our students in basic foundation courses: drawing, painting, graphic design history, and beginning design, type & layout classes. These foundation courses are what make our students excel. Although Graphic Design is always on the cutting edge of technology, a comprehensive knowledge of design principles & elements and historical foundation prepares our students for future problem solving. 


After successfully completing these foundation classes, students learn to apply their knowledge in more rigorous advanced classes. Such as: advanced type & layout, advanced design and package design. Concurrently, Graphic Design expects students to become proficient in computer software classes and knowledge of print production design as well as web production design.

The Graphic Design capstone classes are the Portfolio Development class and Advertising Workshop class. In the Portfolio class, students begin to develop their portfolios for future job seeking. The Advertising Workshop class gives a sense of working in an agency and preparing presentations and proposals for clients.

The Graphic Design Emphasis is very proud of our program and the students who work above and beyond what is expected. Because of that, our graduates are successful our program is one of the largest at Salt Lake Community College.


Visual Art and Design: Physical Exhibit

The physical exhibit displays a conglomeration of various materials from the SLCC Physical Archives, our IR Digital Collections, and other resources related to the history of the Visual Art and Design Program at the College, formally called Commercial Art.
A gallery of Graphic Design Alumni work is displayed on the main floor of the Markosian Library at the Redwood Taylorsville Campus. View images of the gallery installation on the right, and be sure to click on the links at the bottom of each image to view specific works in more detail via the IR Digital Collections.

The exhibit cases combine past school yearbooks featuring the history of the program, articles from the student newspaper regarding historical program changes and events, and a rotating audio-visual display of videos about the program. The physical exhibit documented here presents a vibrant experience of students learning commercial art, visual art, and graphic design over the years at the College.

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